Join Lead Pastor Kevin Smith in our Vision 2025 Financial Campaign. We invite you to partner together with us in prayer, seeking God’s guidance, provision, and blessings as we look to:
- purchase an additional AC chiller and
- pay down the remaining $1,150,000 of our existing loan balance.
Together, God can use each of us to make a significant impact and build a financially stable future for our church.
Our current AC chiller system is struggling to meet the demands that our growing church requires, and we are excited to embark on this journey together as we strive to enhance the worship experience and comfort of our congregation. By investing in an additional air-cooled AC chiller unit, we can significantly improve the overall environment of our church.
elminating outstanding balance
Over the past six years, our dedicated church family has made significant strides in reducing our outstanding balance. From 2016 to 2020, we averaged a reduction of $108,333 per year. Building upon that momentum with God's leading, from 2020 to 2023 we achieved an average reduction of $252,875 per year!
get involved today!
Join us in prayer. As we embark on this 2-year Church Vision campaign, we invite you to join us in prayer, seeking God's guidance, provision, and blessings.
How to give: Fill out an NC Vision Pledge Card and let us know what you can commit to for the next 12 months. Pledge cards may be found in the church office and at all host areas in the church. Our Pledge Card is also available digitally here.