At the beginning of Belshazzar’s reign, Daniel had been given a vision of the ages to come (Dan. 7:1, 27). Two years later he had another, this time of particular kingdoms of the future (8:1). In allegory Daniel saw the rise of Persia, the emergence of Greece, Rome, and the arrogance of a “final king,” (8:23-26).
These chapters, 8-10 teach three major lessons. The first is God’s overpowering, amazing, encouraging omnipotence over world affairs. He not only knows the future, His plans and purposes will not be thwarted. The second lesson is the role and power of prayer (10:12, 13). God may allow spiritual opposition for a time, but God’s power is not relative; it is absolute. The third lesson is, “Be encouraged” (10:18-20), the One who was with Daniel is with us. That lesson still resonates.